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Hire CakePHP developers remotely with Strider

Effortlessly hire remote Cakephp developers through Strider. Access our network of vetted professionals and let our AI curation engine match you developers who match your specific needs.

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CakePHP developers for hire, and more!

Whether you're looking for CakePHP developers today, or developers tomorrow, we have you covered. developerss in our network have experience across hundreds of technologies.

Luiza F. Back-end Developer

Proficient in various programming languages and frameworks being able to excel in leading cross-functional teams, architecting scalable solutions, and delivering high-quality products.

Microsoft SQL Server
Diego V. Full-stack Developer

Experienced developer with varied background in big companies and startups. Proficient in designing and executing complex web apps with extensive grasp of front-end and back-end technologies.

Microsoft SQL Server
Caainã J. Full-stack Developer

Successfully delivered a wide range of web applications, showcasing proficiency in front-end and back-end technologies, with more than 10 years of coding from concept to deployment.

Microsoft SQL Server
Bianca S. Full-stack Developer

With over five years of experience in web development, a focus is placed on supporting companies in the building and sustaining of a robust code base using cutting-edge technologies.

Microsoft SQL Server
Ruby on Rails
and 100+ other technologies

Frequently asked questions on how to hire with Strider

No, it's 100% free to get started with Strider. You only pay if you hire, and there is no obligation to hire.

We've found that most customers end up saving 30-50% compared to hiring an equally talented developers based in the US. When you speak with our hiring experts, they'll get to know more about your role in order to provide an accurate quote.

After your initial call with our hiring experts, we will share a curated shortlist of developers within two business days. Companies we work with typically make a hire within 1-2 weeks after receiving the shortlist. Though, this process can move as fast as you want. Some companies make a hire within a few days after receiving the shortlist.

Yes, we also work with other technology roles like designers, QA, DevOps, and more.

We work with virtually every modern technology stack. You'd be hard-pressed to find a technology we do not cover.

Yes, as a part of our vetting process, we verify that the developers has advanced English skills, so that they can keep up in fast-paced, English-speaking workplaces.

All of our developers work remotely from Latin America. They speak fluent English and work in US time zones. We handle local compliance, so you don't have to worry about the legal aspects and can stay focused on your business.

We vet developers for soft skills, technical skills, and English fluency. This ensures that they'll be able to excel in a remote, US-headquartered work environment.

Hire CakePHP Developer Effectively

Why hire CakePHP developers to build robust and scalable web applications? Finding skilled CakePHP developers is essential for the success of your web development projects. CakePHP is a popular PHP framework known for its simplicity, rapid development capabilities, and adherence to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern.

When hiring CakePHP developers, finding professionals with the necessary skills and experience to meet your business needs is crucial. With the right CakePHP developers on your team, you can create feature-rich web applications, customize existing solutions, and ensure smooth functionality.

In the following sections, we will explore how to effectively hire CakePHP developers and answer common questions related to CakePHP development. By understanding the process of hiring CakePHP developers, you can make informed decisions and build a solid team to drive your web application development forward.

What to Look for When Hiring CakePHP Developers

Technical skills

When hiring CakePHP developers, looking for candidates with strong technical skills specific to CakePHP development is essential. They should have a solid understanding of the CakePHP framework, including its core concepts, conventions, and best practices. Proficiency in the PHP programming language and knowledge of object-oriented programming (OOP) principles are necessary.

Additionally, CakePHP developers should be familiar with database management systems such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB, as CakePHP seamlessly integrates with these systems. Experience working with web development technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is also valuable, as it complements CakePHP's server-side capabilities. Having good web design skills is a plus on their resume.

Communication skills

Practical communication skills are crucial when collaborating with CakePHP developers. Look for candidates who can articulate their ideas, actively listen, and understand project requirements. They should be able to communicate technical concepts clearly and concisely, whether discussing project specifications or providing progress updates.

CakePHP developers should also be proficient in the documentation. Clear and well-organized documentation ensures that other team members can understand and maintain the codebase. Assess their ability to document code, write technical specifications, and create user guides.

Testing and quality assurance

A crucial aspect of CakePHP development is ensuring the quality and reliability of the codebase. When hiring CakePHP developers, consider their familiarity with testing methodologies and quality assurance practices. Look for candidates with experience writing unit, functional, and integration tests using CakePHP's built-in testing features or popular frameworks like PHPUnit.

Quality assurance skills are equally important. CakePHP developers should be adept at identifying and fixing bugs, optimizing performance, and ensuring the application's overall stability. Familiarity with debugging tools and techniques is valuable for troubleshooting and resolving issues efficiently.

Security best practices

Security is a top priority for web applications in today's digital landscape. When hiring CakePHP developers, consider their understanding of security best practices and their ability to implement secure coding practices within CakePHP applications. Look for candidates knowledgeable about common web vulnerabilities, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection, and how to mitigate them using CakePHP's security features.

CakePHP provides built-in security features like input validation, output escaping, and data sanitization, which help protect against common security threats. Ensure that the CakePHP developers you hire are proficient in leveraging these features effectively.

Top 5 CakePHP Developer Interview Questions

What is the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, and how does it relate to CakePHP?

It would be best to ask this question to gauge the candidate's understanding of the MVC pattern and its importance in CakePHP development. The MVC pattern is a software architectural design that separates an application into three interconnected components: the Model (data and business logic), the View (user interface), and the Controller (handles user input and controls the flow).

A good answer is that CakePHP follows the MVC pattern, emphasizing the separation of concerns and promoting code organization and reusability. The candidate should highlight how CakePHP's models interact with the database, views render the user interface, and controllers handle the logic flow, illustrating their understanding of the framework's fundamental structure.

How do you handle form submissions and data validation in CakePHP?

This question helps you assess the candidate's understanding of form handling and data validation in CakePHP. Form submissions are a common aspect of web development, and CakePHP provides convenient management tools.

The candidate should explain that CakePHP utilizes form helpers and validation rules to streamline the process. They should mention using CakePHP's FormHelper to generate HTML forms with built-in security features like CSRF protection. They should also say utilizing the validation rules within the model to enforce data integrity and ensure valid data is being saved.

An ideal answer would demonstrate knowledge of CakePHP's FormHelper methods, such as create(), input(), and submit(), and the validation rules available, such as required fields, length constraints, and regular expressions.

How would you optimize performance in a CakePHP application?

This question allows you to assess the candidate's understanding of performance optimization techniques in CakePHP. Performance is crucial for delivering responsive and efficient applications.

A firm answer would mention various strategies, such as:

  • Caching: Utilizing CakePHP's caching mechanisms like view caching or query caching to store and retrieve frequently accessed data.
  • Database Optimization: Using techniques like indexing, optimizing queries, and reducing database call to improve overall performance.
  • Code Optimization: Employing best practices like minimizing unnecessary database queries, reducing file includes, and optimizing loops or data processing algorithms.
  • Asset Management: Implementing techniques like asset compression, bundling, and using Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to optimize the delivery of CSS, JavaScript, and other static assets.

The candidate should demonstrate an understanding of these techniques and their potential impact on CakePHP application performance.

How would you implement authentication and authorization in a CakePHP application?

This question evaluates the candidate's familiarity with implementing CakePHP's user authentication and authorization features. Security is a critical aspect of web development, and CakePHP provides robust tools for managing user access.

An ideal answer would discuss using CakePHP's built-in authentication and authorization components, such as AuthComponent and AclComponent. The candidate should mention concepts like hashing passwords, managing user sessions, and controlling access to different parts of the application based on roles and permissions.

How do you handle database migrations and versioning in CakePHP?

This question assesses the candidate's understanding of managing database schema changes and versioning in CakePHP. Database migrations are essential for maintaining integrity and managing changes during the development lifecycle.

A comprehensive answer is that CakePHP provides a " Phinx " migration system to handle database schema changes. The candidate should discuss the creation of migration files using the command-line interface and how these migrations can be executed to update the database schema. They should also mention the importance of versioning migrations and rollbacks to maintain consistency across different environments.

By discussing database migrations and versioning, candidates can demonstrate their knowledge of CakePHP's tools for managing database schema changes effectively.

Common questions about hiring CakePHP developers

CakePHP developers are proficient in using the CakePHP framework to build robust and scalable web applications. They can leverage CakePHP's features and conventions to accelerate development, ensure code maintainability, and follow industry best practices.

CakePHP developers can handle various aspects of web application development, including database integration, user authentication, data validation, form handling, and security implementation. Their expertise in CakePHP allows them to create efficient and customized solutions tailored to your business requirements.

Evaluating the expertise and experience of CakePHP developers involves multiple steps. You can start by reviewing their resumes, portfolios, and previous projects related to CakePHP development. Ask candidates about their years of experience working with CakePHP, involvement in specific tasks, and familiarity with different CakePHP versions.

Conduct technical interviews to assess their knowledge of CakePHP's core concepts, MVC pattern, database integration, security practices, and performance optimization. Additionally, consider requesting coding samples or conducting coding exercises to gauge their coding proficiency.

Domain expertise refers to a developer's understanding of a specific industry or business domain. When hiring CakePHP developers, domain expertise can be advantageous as it allows them to grasp your industry's unique requirements, challenges, and best practices.

A CakePHP developer with domain expertise in e-commerce, finance, healthcare, or logistics can bring valuable insights to the development process. They can understand the specific business needs and tailor the CakePHP solution accordingly.

Ensuring the quality and reliability of CakePHP developers involves a rigorous vetting process. You can evaluate their skills and expertise through technical interviews, code reviews, and test projects. Additionally, consider checking their references or client testimonials to gain insights into their past performance and reliability.

Collaborating with reputable development agencies or platforms that provide pre-vetted CakePHP developers can also increase the chances of finding reliable professionals. Finally, discussing project milestones, communication protocols, and quality assurance measures upfront can help set expectations and ensure a smooth development process.

A CakePHP developer plays a vital role in the web development team, focusing specifically on CakePHP-related tasks. They collaborate with designers, front-end developers, and other back-end developers to build and maintain web applications using the CakePHP framework.

The CakePHP developer takes responsibility for implementing business logic, database interactions, and security measures and ensuring the proper functioning of the application. Their expertise in CakePHP helps maintain code consistency, follow best practices, and optimize performance within the CakePHP environment.

Top CakePHP developers are adept at customizing web applications built on the CakePHP framework. They can extend the functionality of existing CakePHP applications by implementing custom modules, plugins, or components.

Our CakePHP developers can tailor the application to business needs, integrate third-party APIs, or modify existing features. Their in-depth understanding of the CakePHP framework allows them to customize and extend the application efficiently while maintaining code integrity and adhering to conventions.

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