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Hire Serverless Developers effectively in 2023

Discover and hire skilled Serverless developers in 2023. Benefit from our ever-expanding pool of top talent, tailored to meet your unique requirements.

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Why Strider is the best way to hire Serverless Developers

Strider's vetting process
Top Talent

Serverless developers on Strider are pre-vetted for soft skills, English communication skills, and tech skills. Hire only the best.

Candidates that match your needs

Strider clients typically hire in 1-2 weeks because we quickly and accurately match you with the right pre-vetted Serverless developers.

Candidates network
Cost Effective

Work with Serverless Developers based in Latin America who speak fluent English to save 30-50% on software development costs.

Serverless Developers for hire, and more!

Whether you're looking for Serverless Developers today, or tomorrow, we have you covered. s in our network have experience across hundreds of technologies.

Luiza F. Back-end Developer

Proficient in various programming languages and frameworks being able to excel in leading cross-functional teams, architecting scalable solutions, and delivering high-quality products.

Microsoft SQL Server
Diego V. Full-stack Developer

Experienced developer with varied background in big companies and startups. Proficient in designing and executing complex web apps with extensive grasp of front-end and back-end technologies.

Microsoft SQL Server
Caainã J. Full-stack Developer

Successfully delivered a wide range of web applications, showcasing proficiency in front-end and back-end technologies, with more than 10 years of coding from concept to deployment.

Microsoft SQL Server
Bianca S. Full-stack Developer

With over five years of experience in web development, a focus is placed on supporting companies in the building and sustaining of a robust code base using cutting-edge technologies.

Microsoft SQL Server
Ruby on Rails
and 100+ other technologies

Frequently asked questions on how to hire with Strider

No, it's 100% free to get started with Strider. You only pay if you hire, and there is no obligation to hire.

We've found that most customers end up saving 30-50% compared to hiring an equally talented based in the US. When you speak with our hiring experts, they'll get to know more about your role in order to provide an accurate quote.

After your initial call with our hiring experts, we will share a curated shortlist of within two business days. Companies we work with typically make a hire within 1-2 weeks after receiving the shortlist. Though, this process can move as fast as you want. Some companies make a hire within a few days after receiving the shortlist.

Yes, we also work with other technology roles like designers, QA, DevOps, and more.

We work with virtually every modern technology stack. You'd be hard-pressed to find a technology we do not cover.

Yes, as a part of our vetting process, we verify that the has advanced English skills, so that they can keep up in fast-paced, English-speaking workplaces.

All of our work remotely from Latin America. They speak fluent English and work in US time zones. We handle local compliance, so you don't have to worry about the legal aspects and can stay focused on your business.

We vet for soft skills, technical skills, and English fluency. This ensures that they'll be able to excel in a remote, US-headquartered work environment.

Hire Serverless Developers Effectively in 2023

Serverless computing has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its cost-effectiveness and scalability. With serverless computing, developers can focus on writing code rather than managing servers, making it an attractive option for businesses looking to streamline their development process. As the demand for serverless applications continues to grow, companies are seeking to hire serverless developers with the necessary skills and experience to meet their business needs.

Serverless technology requires developers to have a diverse skill set, encompassing programming, cloud infrastructure management, and web and mobile app development. By leveraging cloud platforms, they can design applications that scale automatically, without relying on traditional servers. When hiring serverless developers, companies should conduct a comprehensive vetting process to ensure they possess the required expertise

What to look for when hiring serverless developers

Technical Skills

When hiring serverless developers, it's crucial to assess their technical abilities. They must have experience in serverless architecture, creating and running applications without managing servers. They should be well-versed in popular serverless platforms like AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions. They should also have knowledge of web application development and cloud infrastructure. Lastly, they should be familiar with automating the process of deploying software to production environments.

Communication Skills

Communication is crucial when working in teams, and serverless developers are no exception. Look for candidates who can effectively communicate their ideas, listen actively, and collaborate with others. This is especially important if your team is distributed across different locations.

Problem-Solving Skills

Serverless development demands creative problem-solving skills to overcome unique technical challenges, such as designing functions that can handle traffic spikes and errors. Candidates who can identify and fix bugs efficiently, find solutions to these challenges, and work well in a team will excel in this field.

Flexibility and Adaptability

As the world of cloud-based development continues to evolve, it's crucial to find candidates who possess adaptability and flexibility. Look for individuals who can quickly learn new technologies and adjust to changes in the development process. Additionally, they should feel at ease working with different programming languages and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails and others.

Common questions about hiring Serverless Developers

Serverless computing offers several benefits. First, it eliminates the need to manage server infrastructure, which can save businesses money and time. Second, it allows developers to focus on writing code and business logic rather than server management. Third, serverless computing can improve scalability and availability, as applications can automatically scale based on customer demand. Finally, serverless computing can enhance security, as the cloud provider is responsible for managing the underlying infrastructure.

Assessing a candidate's serverless development skills requires a combination of methods. First, review their previous work experience to see if they have worked on serverless applications and platforms like AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, or Microsoft Azure Functions. 

Second, ask them to complete a technical assessment that tests their knowledge of serverless architecture, cloud infrastructure, and web application development. Thirdly, ask them to discuss their experience in working with serverless platforms, as well as their ability to learn new technologies and work collaboratively with others.

There are several popular serverless platforms used by developers. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Lambda is one of the most widely used platforms, providing a range of tools for serverless development. Google Cloud Functions is also popular due to its integration with other Google Cloud services. Microsoft Azure Functions is another popular option, especially for businesses that use other Microsoft services. Other platforms include IBM Cloud Functions, Oracle Functions, and Alibaba Cloud Function Compute.
Serverless computing is a powerful tool for building a variety of products, from web and mobile applications to chatbots and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. It allows developers to work focusing on code and business logic instead of managing server infrastructure, resulting in faster development times and more efficient use of resources. This technology can also improve scalability and availability, as applications can automatically scale based on customer demand.
To hire a serverless developer, businesses may encounter challenges in the United States due to high demand and the limited supply of qualified candidates with years of experience in this technology. To address this, one option is to broaden the search beyond the country to include developers based in Latin America with significant experience in serverless computing. Regardless of location, it is crucial to ensure that the developer hired has a strong understanding of the technology and experience working with it.
As a programmer or developer, staying up-to-date with serverless trends is key. Attending events like AWS re:Invent, Google Cloud Next, and Microsoft Ignite, and reading publications like InfoWorld and The New Stack can provide insights. Additionally, participating in online communities like Reddit's serverless subreddit can help connect with peers and share knowledge.

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